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Backup Android and iOS Pictures/Videos with Google Photo

-- Tuesday, May 31, 2016
When you see someone continue to buy pones with 16GB storage, you must think that the guy is crazy. But the tip to live on a tiny Android phone is to back up some of your data to the cloud storage and then erase the useless files regularly. As for me, I would like to backup Android and iOS pictures/videos with Google Photo, which lets me save storage memory for my phone and access my data easily.

Backup Android and iOS Pictures/Videos with Google Photo

Step 1 Sign into Google Photo
Run Google Photo app on your phone. Connect your device to the Wi-Fi hotspot or turn on the mobile data. Then enter your email and password. A text message with your code has been sent to you. Input the code and complete the verification.

Google Photo: Sign in

Step 2 Open the Settings Page
Tap the hamburger icon (three-bar icon) at the upper-left corner of the screen. Then touch "Settings" to open the Settings page. Locate and select the option "Back up & sync".

Google Photo: Settings

Step 3 Turn on the Backup Feature
In this page, you can activate the "Back up & sync" feature. Then you can choose an account to back up and sync.

Google Photo: Back up and Sync

Step 4 Back up Device Folders
Once the backup feature is turned on, your camera folder is automatically backed up. You can choose other folders to backup and view in the library. To do that, tap "Back up device folders" and select folders to back up, for example, All Videos, Photo Library, Screenshots, and pictures.

Google Photo: Back up Device Photos

You media files, including videos and photos, will be automatically detected and uploaded to Google Photo once they are added to the phone. Enjoy!

Ivy Bruce

Ivy Bruce is the Founder and Editorial Director at Recovery-Android Studio. You can also find her on Google+ and Twitter.